Academic English

In a superfancy office, with a grand book case behind him, Professor Partout reads over a draft of some students' work in Academic English. One hand holds the paper and the other a coffee. Despite the grand style of the office, Prof Partout is wearing a red tracksuit or sweatsuit. (His shoes match his outfit.)

Academic English

flexing your writing muscles

Sweating over your writing? You are not alone. Writing for academia is not easy. Academic English is no-one’s first language. Even native speakers of English have to learn to write for an academic audience. Why learn? Because writing like an academic shows your reader that you belong to the community learning, researching and thinking about your topic or your field But don’t sweat it! Working on your academic style just takes a little practice and a little thinking and in no time you will be walking the academic walk.

Writing for academia is hard. It doesn’t matter whether you are a native speaker or not, we all sweat over over essays, articles, chapters, But don’t worry! Prof Partout is here to help you through the tough mental workout that is writing.

For native speakers of English

Even brainiacs benefit from a little zhooshing of their texts. You may need help with structuring your writing. You might want to beef up your argumentation. On the other hand, you might not be so sure about when and how to cite works in your text.

For non-native speakers

Your task is to transform what you know into what you want to write and produce that writing in a way that fits into the expectations of English professors and teachers. They have strong ideas about structure and style. Improving your writing takes time, but it will be rewarding.

More than just a reading service

Prof Partout’s writing boot camp can help you all with:
  • structuring your paper
  • killer introductions
  • literature reviews
  • argumentation
  • referencing and citing
  • proof reading
  • academic vocabulary
  • academic style
  • grammatical structures
  • identifying genre
  • quoting and paraphrasing
  • types of writing

For all writers, Prof Partout can tone up your work by giving detailed comments and instructions. He won’t change your text; that is your job. But he guarantees you will create a better-written, clearly-structured, well-argued written product.

Hit the contact button above to find out more